Thursday, August 24, 2006Living over here has been revealing certainly. Frustrating, definitely.
I don't know if it is the crowd I've met, or the mindset here, but people are DEFINED by what they do when they're drunk.
Him? He was making out with some girl and puked all over her and the bed.
Her? She's psycho. Stay away from her...::insert typical drunk story here::
A good friend of mine tells me every time that she talks to me that we are not defined by what we did in our past or even what we do when we're drunk.
I mean, what do they say here about the people that DON'T drink?
It seems sometimes that the general consensus here is to sit around and get fucked up.
When advised what to do here, one of the first comments was, "Become an alcoholic." Uhh, don't need any help in that area, thanks.
Another girl here says that I am the most neurotic person she knows because 1.) I am worried about what people think about me, and 2.) That's one of the reasons that I don't want to drink.
For me, these are reasons good enough. I know what I'm like what I'm drunk. Granted, she's 21, and a new legal drinker,'s kind of a Catch 22. I shouldn't care what people think, but I care what she thinks? Thank GOD I got a job, because I seriously need something to do with my time.
I have been not drinking, mostly. I had several beers when we went out on a day trip later on in the day, and then a couple when we went to the boathouse. Other than that, I've just been my usual charming non-alcoholic self. I want to be defined by my work ethic and WHO I AM, not what I drink or what I do when I drink.
Seems like that's going to be an uphill battle.
Jane Says: You've got to come original.